April 27, 2021
By Steven Goldman, Esq. Stemming from my background in finance and business, combined with an interest in psychology, I have always been enamored by the field of Behavioral Economics – the study of psychology as it relates to economic decision-making. Over time, reading and studying Behav...
February 4, 2021
By Steven Goldman, Esq. Over the past week, GameStop (NYSE: GME) and other “meme stocks” (e.g., AMC and Nokia) have dominated headlines as hordes of retail traders attempted to squeeze hedge funds and other high profile short sellers, creating a highly volatile market. Within a ma...
December 1, 2017
Over the past number of years, the family law landscape in Virginia has changed quite a bit. Before the 1990’s, there was only one true option for a couple seeking a divorce – go to court and have a judge decide the outcome. This method has obvious drawbacks: preparing for court and sittin...
October 10, 2017
Potential clients often ask about the likelihood that they will be awarded sole custody of their child. This prediction, however, is not so easily forecast. In Virginia, there is both legal and physical custody, and there can be both sole legal and/or sole physical custody awarded or agreed to...
October 4, 2017
Courts are often asked to determine the appropriate amount of child support payable between divorcing parents. Virginia Code Section 20-108.2 sets forth the “guidelines” used to calculate child support. The amount of support calculated with the guidelines is presumed to be the correct amo...
May 10, 2017
Politics have always been a hot button issue, but the current divisions in our country seem especially pronounced. A new national poll from Wakefield Research indicates that the tense political environment, particularly differing views over President Trump’s election and platforms, is ...
May 2, 2017
There are three main players involved in your divorce: you, your spouse, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Just as Virginia has laws about getting married, it also has certain criteria for officially ending a marriage. Among other legal considerations, you cannot simply leave your spouse, gath...
March 16, 2017
The late and highly respected attorney Betty Thompson, a monumental force in modernizing Virginia family law, was known for telling clients at their initial consultations that “the only won cases are cases resolved out of court.” Having clerked for her during law school, that phrase has st...