August 29, 2024
Judges Weighing Mental Health Issues Mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are becoming more prominently recognized as relevant factors in family law cases. Courts are taking these mental health considerations into account when making important decisions about chi...
September 27, 2023
In today's article, we will be discussing a topic that can be challenging for divorced or separated parents – creating and implementing holiday custody schedules. We understand that this is a crucial issue that can affect not only the parents but also the well-being of the children involved....
May 24, 2023
Generally, the birth mother assumes custody of a child she just gave birth to. The only exception is with surrogate mothers, which is when a third-party female agrees to have a couple’s fertilized egg implanted in her uterus, carries the baby to term, then delivers it. In a situation where a...
April 20, 2023
Any legal issue relating to marriage, divorce, children, or families generally fits under the umbrella of “family law.” If you’re curious about what some common family law issues are, look no further than our best Fairfax family law attorney from Curran Moher Weis to assist with any ques...
July 4, 2022
Each school year poses new challenges: coordinating bus schedules, after-school programs, and sports practices. Factor in two people with busy schedules who are sharing custody of their child, and it is enough to give you a headache. Child custody is defined as “the care, control, and mainte...
June 27, 2022
Shared custody schedules are based on your situation at the time the order is issued. As we all know, life can get hectic, schedules can change, and responsibilities can increase. If you have realized that your current custody schedule is simply not working for you and your child, you should d...
July 2, 2020
By Grant Moher, Esq. As we continue to navigate the ongoing public health crisis of COVID-19, parents are facing limited options for summer child care, as well as the potential that their children’s schools may be entirely or partially online in the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. T...
May 1, 2020
By Daniel Schy, Esq. As millions of Americans begin receiving stimulus checks from the recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, many are wondering what impact these payments might have on child support payments. Whether you receive or pay child suppo...