Curran Moher Weis Contributes to Record Year for Heroes vs. Villains 5K

Articles Of Interest

April 28, 2017Author: Curran Moher Weis

Curran Moher Weis Contributes to Record Year for Heroes vs. Villains 5K

On April 23, the Curran Moher Weis team was out in full force, participating for the 5th year in a row in the Fairfax Law Foundation’s Heroes vs. Villains Run for Justice! It was an incredibly successful year, with 450 registered runners and a record level of sponsorship money raised. Here are just a few of the ways our firm supported and engaged in this important event:

  • We served as a Hero Sponsor – continuing Curran Moher Weis’ sponsorship of the race every year since our inception to help sustain community programs that provide legal support and education to Fairfax residents
  • We brought out 26 runners comprising our staff, family members and friends, with four of those runners placing in the top 20 and one top-10 finish
  • Multiple members of our team volunteered, providing planning, on-site logistics, and marketing and public relations support on behalf of the firm and local legal professional organizations
  • Our very own star attorney Steven Goldman announced the race’s winners to a packed crowd

In our work helping Northern Virginia families navigate the difficulties of divorce and family-related legal issues, Curran Moher Weis places a great deal of emphasis on supporting and giving back to the communities we serve. We feel it’s essential to ensure members of those communities have access to legal services they need, and we are proud to support this event as a means of contributing to that mission in a meaningful way.

The event was covered on the front-page of the Fairfax County Times, featuring a quote from one of our esteemed leaders, Curran Moher Weis’ managing partner Grant Moher. Read it in full on pages A-1 and A-4 here.

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