A Power of Attorney is a legal tool that allows one to define who will have control and how decisions will be made on behalf of a person incapacitated by illness, injury, absence, or age.
Decisions made through a power of attorney can include issues regarding property, bank accounts, debts, and other financial matters. A family with the power of attorney documents in place may avoid long delays and court costs when their loved one is no longer able to make decisions. An advanced medical directive is a document similar to a power of attorney that gives one the ability to make decisions about medical care for another if that individual is incapable of doing so.
Having a power of attorney is about more than legal issues. It is about peace of mind for you and your family. It is possible to appoint more than one person as your agent, allowing each different responsibility in decision making. Experienced legal counsel can ensure that your power of attorney documents specifically outline your wishes and intentions.
As part of your overall family and estate planning strategy, the best Fairfax Power of Attorney Lawyer at Curran Moher Weis can ensure that you have the proper powers of attorney in place. We will work with you so that you can feel secure that decisions regarding your wellbeing and that of your family are in the hands that you trust and that your wishes will be respected.
Schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable Virginia attorneys by contacting us today at (571) 328-5020 or request a consultation.