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  • April 27, 2021

    Behavioral Economics and Its Impact on Divorce Negotiations

    By Steven Goldman, Esq. Stemming from my background in finance and business, combined with an interest in psychology, I have always been enamored by the field of Behavioral Economics – the study of psychology as it relates to economic decision-making. Over time, reading and studying Behav...

  • February 6, 2013

    Equitable Distribution of Property in Virginia: What is “Hybrid” Property, and How is it Divided?

    Do the words “Brandenburg,” “Keeling,” or “reasonable rate of return,” mean anything to you? Probably not -- but if you’re going through a divorce, they had better mean something to your attorney! Each is a different method that has been used by Virginia courts to divide hybrid p...

  • July 17, 2012

    6 Myths About Separation and Divorce in Virginia

    Often, clients who see me for an initial consultation arrive with information they may have learned from friends, family, or the internet – information which may not be accurate. The following are six common myths I have heard regarding separation and divorce, and the facts about each. Myth...

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